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Change is coming.  I’ve seen it in my stars.

I started this blog some time ago with the idea that I would ‘fiddle’ around with it have some fun, find my ‘voice’ and that basically would be that.  But all that has changed.  I haven’t found my ‘voice’.

Nothing.  Nada.  Zip.  Zero.

I’ve certainly had some fun.

Best of all I’ve met some wonderful people.  That’s been the top experience.  Bloggers are a bunch of fantastic people.  I’ve read loads of blogs from successful bloggers and what they all have in common is their generosity.  They are so willing to share their secrets and seem genuinely interested in helping you to ‘find yourself’ in your blog and be as successful as they are.

You all have been wonderful, your comments to me have inspired and heartened me.  I discovered we all have some things in common:  like a love of beauty and I don’t mean physical beauty.  It’s expressed through words as in poetry or in art as through paintings.  We all have a similar life view: it’s important to share and to care for others, and that has been an amazing insight for me.  That’s just awesome.

So it’s been a great journey.  But I’m discovering that I’m losing focus and direction.

This tells me it’s time to change.

I’m one of those people who need to have a purpose, or a focus, or a direction.  When my husband and I go out walking around the town.  He can simply amble around without any purpose.  It drives me mad – but when I stick with him, we discover lovely out-of-the-way places.  So I’m learning to let go a bit.  But not with this blog.  I put a lot of effort into it and I need to feel it fulfills something within me – that feeling has gone.

So I am in the process of starting another blog.  It’s not up and running yet.  I still have work to do with it.  But its focus is entirely on low self-esteem and body image.  This is something I’m passionate about.

I struggled with low self-esteem when I was younger so I know exactly how it makes you a ‘prisoner’ in your own life.

It affects everybody.  Men and women.  Adults and children. Vulnerable adolescents.  It’s linked a lot with eating disorders.  It’s a massive subject and will keep me happy and involved for a long time!  A lot of stuff I’ve begun here like the journalling and meditation and dream work I shall continue to do but at a deeper level – if it fits I’ll do it.


9119853-question-mark-and-red-and-green-arrowsI’m not sure what to do about Lets Go.  I don’t want to cast it adrift, but I don’t think I can continue unless I can come up with something fresh for it.  I’ve considered upgrading to a premium site, which I fancy doing, that’s a challenge, or I may continue as I am but put a purpose into the blog and focus on that.

So I’m not throwing in the towel yet.  You all have been an inspiration to me and I don’t treat that lightly.

Please, if you’ve got ideas let me know – I value your opinion and am relying on it now to help me decide the way ahead.

Looking forward to receiving great ideas from you all.

Take care.