Life On The Treadmill

Life can feel like you’re running aimlessly on a treadmill going round and round in circles.  It’s useless.  It’s without direction.  It’s exhausting.  Yet we still keep on doing it.  The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.

What makes us do this?  Why do we do this?  How can we stop doing this?

All good questions.

My answer is simple.

Get off the treadmill.



The quickest way of doing that is to review what you’re doing that is contributing most to that feeling of boredom and monotony and drop it.  If it’s your job, look around to see if you can change it  Or get a new job.

Try changing one or two little aspects of your life.  It doesn’t have to be a big thing like your job.  Not right away.  Start with little things.

Try walking instead of driving.  Try going without the latest gadget or fashion item.

Itemise whatever is clogging-up your life.  Look through your ‘busyness’ schedule.  Eliminate what you can, substitute something else.  Take the dog for a walk in the park.  Try out a new course at your local college.  Join a group. Meditate in silence on your own.

Paint a picture in the garden.

Sit out under the starts one night, leaving the TV far behind you.  Just let the peace of moonlight and stars wash over you.

Befriend someone.  Especially someone you don’t like.

Complete a job you started years ago.

Throw away all those magazines telling you how to change your image by buying this, that or the other product.  For your hair, for your skin, for your nails, for your feet, for your stomach.  Chuck them all away.  Celebrate who you are and what you look like.

Stand in front of the mirror, smile and say ‘oh yes I like that’.  ‘I like who I am and what I look like’.  And celebrate it.

Have a glass of wine.  Eat a piece of chocolate.  And stop worrying all the time about the calories, your hips, your stomach.  You permanently in a state of anxiety and worry and stress is causing more damage than one piece of chocolate could ever do.

Stop worrying about the past, stop fretting over the future and celebrate now – it’s a gift, that’s why its called ‘The Present’.

One of the biggest things is watching the news on TV.  I don’t say don’t watch it, just keep it to a minimum.  It can be addictive.  It will hook into your insecurities and uncertainties  and feed into them.  So be careful not to watch too much.

Beware of the fear mongerers, they are not hard to spot, they are full of things for you to feel fearful of.  For example, one of the worst was the fear of vaccines for the measles.  No truth was ever found to substantiate the rumours and at the end of the day, your child getting measles without a vaccine is possibly a worst case scenario than the original vaccine.

Remember the wine? Oh yes that was the question.  Wine, red or white, Are we to drink it, or not drink it.  That is the question.  That one went back and forth for ages.  First its bad for you, then its good for you.  By the time they’d finished with it – nobody was any the wiser about what was good or not.

I’m not suggesting we ignore all advice medical or not.  But let’s be careful and let’s get more information on a subject before we act.

Let’s not be  like everyone else thats stuck on the treadmill running round and round looking for answers.

Instead lets search out answers for ourselves to our satisfaction and then make decisions based on that information we’ve resourced.


Get off the treadmill.

  • Release energy for you to invest in something you enjoy doing.
  • Enables you to make priorities in you life so you can spend time wisely on projects you and your family can benefit from.
  • Feel more fulfilled
  • Breed success and nothing breeds more success than when you succeed.
  • Fill your life with vitality
  • Have more energy

These are some of the benefits when you take the plunge by getting off the treadmill.

And finally:

Be happy.  Be yourself.  If others don’t like it, then let them be.  Happiness is a choice.  Life isn’t about pleasing everybody.

What are you going to do? Stay on the treadmill and please everybody else.  Or get off the treadmill and please yourself.

What’s it to be?